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Showing posts from May, 2019

Letting go of the impossible

Letting go……. In the last two years I have cancelled over 7 trips for work. I have broken plans with friends last minute. Forgotten to check my messages or respond back to texts for weeks at a time. I have neglected my marriage. I rarely am by myself and when I am so anxious it can bring on an anxiety attack in minutes. Its become really bad. Mostly I have forgotten who I am outside of motherhood of my two girls. I cram my days full of therapies, school meetings, phone calls with insurance companies, errands for the household, I have a job pouring into other mothers and running an online business. the latter usually get my the bottom of my cup though. they have been put on the backburner while I have tended to our hard seasons. I am sure some are thinking but Varrick seems so good lately. and you are right she is doing so well. better than I could have dreamed of all the nights we spent in hospital. See they have flip flopped. as Varricks hard season winded down beca