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Showing posts from May, 2018

swallowing a pill of shame to save a life.

Anxiety is something Is surrounding me lately. I hear people talking about. I see posts of people overcoming it. I watch the bashing going on about to medicate or treat homeopathically. I feel the shame of being one of those people. You know the people that get questioned, have you tried eating this, drinking this, smelling that. And yes I have tried it all. You know what keeps me sane? Zoloft. A small green pill. That is what brings my body back to homeostasis.   Why does this small pill come with such shame? If I had a heart condition I wouldn’t be shamed for taking medicine for that. But when a woman, yes I am narrowing this down to women now, show that they need some help, it is met with such shame. Sadly this means a lot of women suffer in silence. Today the tv was on in background I heard them talking about Ryan Reynolds and how he is sharing his journey with anxiety. The commenters were questioning if he really knows what anxiety is? He is so s